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Non State Schools - Transport Assistance Scheme
Queensland Catholic Education Commission
Independent Schools Queensland

1. Introduction to Application

Students With Disability Program

Please complete one application per family.

Enter all children with an impairment on this application, regardless of which non-state school they attend.

You don't have to complete this form in one session. If you need to interrupt this session, the information you have entered will be saved and you can go back to it at a later time, as long as you use the same computer.

You must complete all pages.

If your application has been submitted successfully, you will receive a confirmation email within 10 minutes.

Please move through this survey by scrolling to the bottom of each page and using the "Previous Step" and "Next Step" buttons.

You will have the option to print a summary of your application prior to submission.
This option is available by selecting the Print icon on the Review Details page at the end of the application.